
今天我們就教大家如何把會員卡通通加入到iPhone的AppleWallet中,然後搭配ApplePay來付款,出門完全不需要再帶錢包了。利用Stocard把會員卡加入Apple ...,評分4.7(2,913)·免費·iOS加入四千萬Stocard用戶,將你所有的會員卡儲存在一個免費的應用程式中。將你的會員卡數位化.在幾秒鐘之內掃描你塑膠卡片上的代碼,使您的皮夾變清爽。,評分4.7(2,913)·免費·iOSExperiencetheconvenienceoffastersearches,exclusiveoffers,andimpro...

教你把會員卡通通加進Apple Wallet,出門不用再帶錢包

今天我們就教大家如何把會員卡通通加入到iPhone 的Apple Wallet 中,然後搭配Apple Pay 來付款,出門完全不需要再帶錢包了。 利用Stocard 把會員卡加入Apple ...

在App Store 上的「Stocard

評分 4.7 (2,913) · 免費 · iOS 加入四千萬Stocard用戶,將你所有的會員卡儲存在一個免費的應用程式中。 將你的會員卡數位化. 在幾秒鐘之內掃描你塑膠卡片上的代碼,使您的皮夾變清爽。


評分 4.7 (2,913) · 免費 · iOS Experience the convenience of faster searches, exclusive offers, and improved performance. With Stocard, your loyalty cards are always at your fingertips.

How to master iOS9 Wallet's new rewards feature with Stocard

Stocard still is the only app, which allows iPhone users to store all their other rewards cards in one place and push them to the Apple Wallet.

Apple Wallet錢包會員卡如何整合?讓iPhone手機變身數位卡包技巧

直接透過Stocard 將會員卡儲存和整合到Apple Wallet 錢包內,就能夠讓iPhone 手機搖身一變成為功能強大的數位錢包,還能夠省去錢包內還要放入很多張實體會員 ...

Stocard - 會員卡

評分 4.1 (690,982) · 免費 · Android 加入四千萬Stocard用戶,將你所有的會員卡儲存在一個免費的應用程式中。 將你的會員卡數位化只需幾秒便能掃描如屈臣氏、全聯福利中心、POYA 寶雅等商戶的實體會員卡 ...

Stocard - Rewards Cards Wallet

評分 4.1 (691,043) · 免費 · Android Join 70 million Stocard users and store all your loyalty cards in one app. ... Unclutter your wallet by scanning the code on your plastic cards within seconds.


Your mobile wallet. · Add your cards. Collect rewards. Get offers. · All your loyalty cards in one app · More than 49 million active consumers love Stocard.

Apple Pay

Fast, easy, secure payments. Using Apple Pay is simple, and it works with the devices you use every day. Your card information is secure.

Stocard Wallet (@StocardApp) X

The free Stocard app helps millions turn their smartphone into a mobile wallet. No more plastic cards - collecting rewards has never been easier!